What database is Gyxi using?

Gyxi, like any other application, needs an underlying database in order to keep track of accounts, users and other normal application objects.

So what database is Gyxi using? Why, Gyxi of course. Yes, Gyxi has a normal account in Gyxi, in the Germany region, in case you’re curious. Our favorite region is Germany because they have some of the most trusted and strictest data privacy laws in the world and are the best governed and enforced as well.

Of course, in the beginning of development, Gyxi could not use itself as a database because it wasn’t working yet, so Cosmos DB was used. One one hand we like Cosmos DB, but what we don’t like about Cosmos DB are too specific shortcomings: Putting data in and Getting data out. Other than those two features, Cosmos DB is great.

It was a great moment when internal data was migrated to Gyxi, of course without any downtime.

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