Get Started

Gyxi is easy to learn and easy to master. That is important because a database is such a fundamental thing that it should not take attention away from application logic.


One thing you must learn, if you haven’t already, is partitions. That is true for any NoSQL Document Database. There are plenty of articles on that subject here on the site.

In short, partitions are a way to split up your data into smaller pieces. 


Simply put Gyxi-ApiKey in the header of every call.

The key should be “Gyxi-ApiKey”

The value should be the actual api key which you chose when creating the database.

You can also find it in

Save data

The basics of a database is to save and get data.

Here is a sample endpoint to save data:


Let’s pick it apart.

  • “germany” is the region. You can find a full list of available regions here.
  • “shortdbname” is the name of your database that you chose when you created it.
  • “mytype” is the type of data you are saving. It is similar to a “table” in relational databases
  • “null” is the field to partition by. In this case, null means that the data is not partitioned at all. It should either be “null” or it should be the name of the field which you wish to partition by (like “customerId”)

The content of the POST is the item to save. It is simply a flat JSON document, like this:

      “id”: “1234”,
      “email”: “”,
      “name”: “Tom Paris”

Get data

Getting data is even easier, especially if you already managed to save data.


I am sure you recognize that region, database name, type and partition is the same as when you saved the data.

Notice that the domain is instead of

What is new is the number in the end. This is the id of the item to get. It is the same as the “id” field of the JSON document that you saved.


If you want more than one item (not an uncommon need) the call is very similar to get. It looks like this:


Does it look familiar? It will get all the items in the given region, database, type and partition.

Try it right now

You can try it right now. Click this link to see the technical documentation of the API:

In the upper right corner is a button called “Run in Postman” which will allow you to use the calls.

Before you get started, you have to create a new database (that’s the first sample in the API).

And then put your newly chosen ApiKey in the header of the calls when you try them out.

And if you ever get stuck, remember you have infinite free support on

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